
About Me

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I'm the kind of girl that tries to get off the see-saw as it's going up and having to hold on for dear life until its down again. I'm the kind of girl who day dreams and thinks of alternate realities that seem so close but are actuality just barely beyond our reach. I'm one who doesn't dream of making a difference, I'm already in the midst of making one.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

College Livin'.

Well my friends, I have officially started college! Today is my third day of class and Things are peachy. :) Right now I have 15.5 credit hours with a bunch of awesome classes.

Anthro-This is a no test class! Super pumped! It sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun and I'm excited to learn about us human things :).
Elementary Alg.-Basically I'm just too awesome and they needed to humble me a bit.
Forensics-SPEECH AND DEBATE!!!! WHOOOOOO! And I'm getting a work study there with them seeing as I quit my job :S
Watercolor-Yay art :) I'm so excited to be able to expand my creativity.
Theater-Basically what we are doing so far is jumping around and acting like idiots. :) It's awesome.
and last but not least!
Women's self defense-I'm going to be able to defend my butt finally! Whoo!

All of these are a lot of fun (except for math because that class hates me) and I'm really excited for this semester.

My best friend is my roommate and so that will be a massive train wreck. An awesome train wreck, but a train wreck none-the-less. I've made a lot of friends and I'm planning on making more and learning so many new things.