
About Me

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I'm the kind of girl that tries to get off the see-saw as it's going up and having to hold on for dear life until its down again. I'm the kind of girl who day dreams and thinks of alternate realities that seem so close but are actuality just barely beyond our reach. I'm one who doesn't dream of making a difference, I'm already in the midst of making one.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Another sleepless night.

As of late I haven't been sleeping all too well. For example, tonight I spent two and a half hours laying in bed desperately waiting for sleep to come, but to no avail. Instead of laying there doing nothing I got up and did some homework and am now writing to you lovely people.

Guess what.


I'm officially two decades old at 10:10 this morning and am looking forward to having an awesome day!

It's crazy to think that I'll be twenty. I swear that just yesterday I moved to Torrington, survived middle school, and graduated high school. Seriously... Time just needs to stop and smell the roses... Or I need a TARDIS...

So in celebration of my birthday, I'm going to give you twenty challenges! You may or may not choose to do them, but I sure do hope you will. :)

  1. Smile and say hello to a stranger. You may never know who needs a friendly reminder that life is awesome.
  2. Step on a crunchy leaf. It's contagious and makes smiles happen everywhere in my body and therefore you need happy body smiles.
  3. Take a chance. Tell that special someone "Hey! I think you have something awesome going on, and I have something awesome going on. We should take our awesome and make it amazing. ;)"
  4. Do a daring thing! (Not illegal daring... Fun lighthearted, peace, love, joyous daring.)
  5. Sing a song. Doesn't matter where, when, how, or why... Just do it and feel good inside. :)
  6. Make a blanket for and watch your favorite movie. Invite over some friends even and make it a night of silly fun! Everyone needs some of that every now and then.
  7. Go for a walk. It's autumn! The colors are beautiful, the air is crisp but not yet cold... Take a look around and be grateful for what you have in this country of ours.
  8. Thank a military person for their service. They work hard and fight for you, they deserve it.
  9. Indulge yourself. Whether it be ice cream, a steamy bubble bath, face masks with your best friend... Do something that makes you feel good.
  10. Reconnect with an old friend. They were your friend at one point, I'm sure they would appreciate a hello.
  11. Volunteer. Help someone out! Not only do they appreciate it, but you feel great afterwards too.
  12. Try something new. Expand your horizons a little.
  13. Kiss someone/something. They need it. You do too ;)
  14. Make a wish. "Starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight." 
  15. Put your feet up on the wall while laying on your back and meditate until your feet are numb. 
  16. Say "I love you". And mean it.
  17. Poke someone. Facebook doesn't count :P
  18. Be whimsical! You're only young until you die, make every moment count.
  19. Color something bright and happy. Like yellow. Color with yellow.
  20. Pass it forward. Whether it be this list, a good deal, anything that is fantastic. Share it with someone.
I'm headed back to my room, hopefully to get some sleep before school. 


You're awesome. 

You deserve awesome back at you. 

If you sneezed while reading this, then bless you.


Sunday, October 7, 2012

I'm going to be famous before too long!

So I got to be a model this past weekend and it was so much fun! I was helping out one of the photography students and so I'm going to post some of the photos for you guys :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

I Believe in...

I believe in the sand and the surf to calm my nerves.
I believe in the moon and the stars to come back every night to say hello.
I believe in mudpies, dirt, and the smell of freshly cut grass and the rain.
I believe that if you catch a firefly you are a special person.
I believe in babies and little kids and their unconditional love.
I believe the world revolves so that I might see another sunrise.
I believe in laughter and smiles to brighten others lives, as well as my own.
I believe in serendipity.

I want to see a place where everything and nothing matters at all.
I want a pair of heels that I could wear for hours and my feet wouldn't ache.
I want a place where I can sit and watch the day pass by without a care.
I want to say "I love you" without feeling constrained by societies expectations.
I want people to join hands as citizens and not as differences.
I want to sing at the top of my lungs and see if anyone joins in. 
I want autumn's beautiful colors to last longer.
I want simplicity.

I need wind to blow through my soul and inspire me. 
I need a pint of Chunky Monkey when I'm feeling down.
I need for everyone to just stop. 

For a moment.

I need the world to take a collective breath in and let out all of their hate.
I need loss and regrets to not exist.
I need heartbreak to become beauty and take flight on butterfly wings.
I need life, love, and harmony to better unify humanity. 
I need peace.

I wish happiness came on a dream and every waking moment was better for you.
I wish chocolate was healthier than salad.
I wish every child held onto their dreams and their naivety so they wouldn't have to face the cruel world.
I wish love was as simple as a breeze.
I wish the days lasted as long in the winter as they do in the summer.
I wish I could fly and meet my family half-way to forever.
I wish for goodness everywhere.

I see children laughing and playing with shadows on the walls.
I see friends, family and their love for each other.
I see sunshine, rose petals, life vibrating in every crevice of the universe.
I see art and beauty in a burned tree and a withered stump.
I see hands, the work they preform to serve each other.
I see shoes, the miles they've walked on a mission, for a purpose.
I see eagles soaring, trees swaying, energy flowing through everything.
I see what we are here for. 


The Addictive Blog Award

So I haven't done this yet but I got nominated my Lori over at She is my mom and she decided to nominate my blog :) Thanks mom!!! 

Here are the Award Rules:
  1. Thank the person awarding you.
  2. Share a little about why you blog and how the journey started.
  3. Paste the blog award on your page.
  4. Nominate 10 other bloggers you feel deserve the award.
I started blogging one dreary day in September of last year. I had just moved down to North Carolina and things were NOT look up for me. My boyfriend had broken up with me because he couldn't handle the distance, I had no plan, no goals, no ideas..... Basically I sat on the couch and watched four seasons of Charmed in about a week. Nutella had become my best friend. I told myself one day, I said "Self, you need to get up and do something. You can't just sit here and pretend that you're not falling apart and getting fat." And thus the blogging began. It had become an escape for me to express myself when I didn't have anywhere else to go. If it wasn't for food, I would've stayed in my loft bedroom until they came up one day and found my rotting corpse. It's been over a year and it's been great. :)

Thank you all for helping me through my tough times! And thanks again mom for the nomination! :)