
About Me

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I'm the kind of girl that tries to get off the see-saw as it's going up and having to hold on for dear life until its down again. I'm the kind of girl who day dreams and thinks of alternate realities that seem so close but are actuality just barely beyond our reach. I'm one who doesn't dream of making a difference, I'm already in the midst of making one.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas time is here!

(If you sang along to the song from Charlie Brown Christmas, You have already heard too much Christmas music this year.)

'Tis the season again and in every store you hear the merry jingles of Christmas music. Seeing as I work in one of those jingly environments, I have probably heard way too much Christmas music than is socially acceptable. The fact that I want to stab the stereo with a toothpick until it bleeds probably isn't socially acceptable either.

Do you know what else isn't socially acceptable? Bigotry.

I was serving a customer the other day and She told me not to wish her Happy Holidays because it offended her. "It is Christmas we are celebrating and if you aren't Christian you don't deserve to celebrate." I was taken aback by this statement because A.) it contradicts the majority of Christian teachings, B.) it offended me and C.) I couldn't believe how judgemental and rude people can be.

Sure there's the people who you pass, accidentally bump and they blow up in your face; but to intentionally mock a person because they don't believe what you do? That is wrong.

I am a Christian and what I believe to be true is that Jesus said love everyone. Not just the Baptists, the Lutheran, Catholics, Mormons and other Christian churches. He said everyone. Period. Just because some one calls God Allah, doesn't make it wrong. It is still God just in another language. He had different names in The Bible, (Jehovah, God, Messiah, etc.) so how is it any different?

Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, they are all part of a culture that is sacred to someone. Maybe not you. Maybe not me. But to someone. And that should be respected and not criticized. So when I say Happy Holidays I'm recognizing the fact that everyone may not believe what I do but I respect that and accept you for who you are. I'm not trying to be offensive, just the opposite actually. (And I also add New Years into that holiday good wishes package because it just makes the whole thing easier to wish in a shorter sentence.)

This wasn't meaning to sound preachy or anything but I just wanted to put my two sense out there for you all to read.

So Happy Holidays everyone! I hope yours is as cheerful it possibly can be!


  1. cents, darling. Your two cents.

    But yes, I think that reaction is stupid. I've had several people over the course of my lifetime flip out because I said "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" precisely for the reason that lady did.

    I think it's narrow-minded and WRONG. Not just because I'm only semi-Christian (I still celebrate Christmas though!), but because, like you said, God said to love your neighbour. He didn't say, "Love your neighbour but only if they worship me the same way you do."

    I'm in the "Happy Holidays" bandwagon. More power to you, and brava for sticking up for yourself!

  2. Good on you! Way to stand by what you believe. It's sad how pepole can be so rude during this season when we are supposed to spread good will and cheer. I'm proud of you.

  3. One time I said, "Merry Christmas" to a lady and she responded with, "Happy Hanukkah" (this was back in the day when there wasn't this huge debate on which holiday greeting is socially acceptable) and I thought it was really cute. She wasn't offended by my Merry Christmas, but simply responded with her own Holiday Greeting. She was really nice and, I thought, a great example.

  4. P.S. Angie your comment reminded me of the lyrics from Owl City's song Peppermint Winter..."All this holiday cheer, heaven knows where it goes but it returns every year." Love it!
