
About Me

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I'm the kind of girl that tries to get off the see-saw as it's going up and having to hold on for dear life until its down again. I'm the kind of girl who day dreams and thinks of alternate realities that seem so close but are actuality just barely beyond our reach. I'm one who doesn't dream of making a difference, I'm already in the midst of making one.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Soooo..... I wasn't back as often as I had planned.

But I'm back for a little bit at least! One step at a time bay-bay.

So I have been reading some things I wrote a few years ago and I discovered something. I'm freaking hilarious. Sadly, I can't find them now, but if I could I would post it here so you could see the awesomeness.

I've been trying to lose weight lately because I'm on the verge of being a little roly poly. I even noticed a slight double chin today. Not good. So instead of sitting on the couch and feeling sorry for myself, I went for a run. I was doing awesome until I got the the hills in the neighborhood. Hills are evil. That are all trying to kill us slowly. But it's totally worth it. After my run I decided to look at the calories I had eaten today just for kicks to see where I was headed.

Jimmy John's Vito sub: 600 Cal.
Caribou Coffee Hot cocoa: 300 Cal.
Caribou Coffee French Toast Muffin: 490 Cal.

This was just normal meals for the day. Not including snacks. All in all, around 2000 Cal. with little exercise. I haven't even eaten dinner yet. New rule. Less carbs. It's doing less energy and more weight gainage. Need more veggies and and fruit, less oatmeal. And toast. And all those delicious breads and pastas I love so much.

Losing weight sucks. But it will be worth it when I can actually fit into my clothes again.

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