
About Me

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I'm the kind of girl that tries to get off the see-saw as it's going up and having to hold on for dear life until its down again. I'm the kind of girl who day dreams and thinks of alternate realities that seem so close but are actuality just barely beyond our reach. I'm one who doesn't dream of making a difference, I'm already in the midst of making one.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Lack of interesting topics...

I've had a lack of life this week so I have no interesting life stories to share with y'all. Sincerest apologies.Giant Man Eating Ants are a pressing issue that I would like to discuss though.

Imagine this. Ants that are people size. And all the different kinds of ants too! Poisonous ones! Those sons of bugs are hard enough to kill as is, the military would have to invent bullets just to dent their exoskeletons. The waste lands would be horrible too! Miles and miles of ant spit and dirt. (I wonder if ants get bad breath?) If this ever happens I pray that NASA has discovered how to make people live on the moon. Or underwater.

Also I would like to add that serrated edged sporks are the superior eating utensil. You can eat anything with that sucker. A foon is pretty awesome too... though it's not serrated. I still approve.

Well, I have nothing left to write about. I'll try and have some fun and actually have social interactions with people this weekend so I can tell you all about it. No promises though... two weeks and counting since I've talked to someone who wasn't trying to sell me food.

I'm also working on writing my books again (Yes plural. One is happy, one is sad, and one is sadistic. Stephen King would be proud. Might even shed a happy sadistic tear with me.)

Speaking of which... I'm out of Nutella...That is unfortunate.

1 comment:

  1. Ants, really? Ants? While I do find them terrifying in their own right, because they're social system is much more complex than humans and if if you weighed all the ants in the world against all the humans the ants would weigh more, they are not going to be the end of humanity. Have you ever watched Starship Troopers? LOL
    Plus take this from someone who knows. Write one book at a time. Otherwise when you go back to read just one of them you'll be confused as hell. If you have inspiration for one of the others, write it down in a notebook set apart for just those. Writing more than one book at once will ruin the quality of them all.
