For the past 4 days I have been in the house doing nothing but watching Charmed on Netflix. It makes me want to have awesome witchy powers to vanquish demons with. Regardless, I haven't been outside for longer than three minutes at all this week. The only reason I was outside was to let the dogs pee. Dad and I took an adventure today though! To Waffle House! Their oh so delicious waffles and hashbrowns... Ughh... I salivate just thinking about the place. But it was another epic adventure with my dad with tons of interesting dialogue that I'm sure you all would've found hilarious, but my brain has been zapped due to lack of fresh air. Therefore, no funny commentary. My deepest apologies.
Ladies, sometimes you just have to wear your heels for no good reason. Yesterday I got up off the couch feeling all lousy for not having done anything productive and I decided to take a shower. Then I thought to myself "Self, you should break in your heels. Not only that, you should dress up a little and make yourself feel pretty." And so I did. I blow dried my hair, put on my nice jeans and top, and then strapped on my shoes. I got some laundry done as well as progressed on my baby nieces present. (I'm going to be an auntie!! I am SO. FREAKING. EXCITED.) It's amazing how productive you can be when you feel pretty! My sister (the not preggers one) walked in the door and immediately asked me why I was wearing heels if all I was going to do was sit on the couch all day. I'm a woman. I don't need a reason.
Sorry for the lamenisity that was this post but like a stated earlier, my brain is zapped and therefore so is my creative things... Next time I'll tell you my opinion on mutant ants that take over the world or something to that effect.
So an auntie? Is that from some secret extended family/friend relationship...?