
About Me

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I'm the kind of girl that tries to get off the see-saw as it's going up and having to hold on for dear life until its down again. I'm the kind of girl who day dreams and thinks of alternate realities that seem so close but are actuality just barely beyond our reach. I'm one who doesn't dream of making a difference, I'm already in the midst of making one.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

I did it!

I got  my superhero made! And might I say she is looking freaking awesome.

Also can I just that the world is also freaking awesome because there are so many colors on the trees!!! Honestly, in Wyoming the leaves turn brown and fall off the trees in about a week. It's almost Halloween, there are still some green leaves but there is also brown, red, gold, purple, and yellow. Holy shapoopy it's beautiful!

I also love Halloween. What other time do you get to dress up and pass candy out to little kids? Well unless your some kind of creeper, it's only on Halloween or a parade or random dress up charity event. Well this year I didn't get a costume done so I'm going to dress up and a street performer and wear my torn jeans and layer on the jackets. At least I'll be warm!

Want to make your own superhero? Here's a link. And don't forget to share it with me!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

*Insert interesting title here*

I had some pretty funny stuff to blog about today but none of it stuck in my head so we will just have to make do with what I randomly come up with right now.

So I've decided that Superman is creeping up my awesome superheros list. In fact he is almost parallel to Batman. I made myself a Capt'n Justus superhero person but the stupid computer lost internet right when I was about to save it. I shall prevail! Unless any one of you want to make one for me (or Super Spud. That my superhero's alter-ego hero.)

Tonight was my night to make dinner and it turned out pretty good. It had corn and tomatoes and shrimp that didn't taste fishy! You know like in shrimp cocktails how they sometimes have that nasty fishy taste that make you want to spit it out? Well these didn't have that taste and I'm as to why. It makes no sense. Regardless it was delicious.

I have demands for more artwork from my family. Apparently they all really liked my flower and decided that they wanted something too. Since I'm incredibly nice and amazing I will do this. I don't know when they will be done, but it will be done!

Do you want to be an enabler? Of course you do! Share my blog to others so they can be distracted from non-important things like work, cleaning, and watching after their kids. They will thank you.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

It shocks me every time.

Well folks, I did it. I fell among the ranks of women who have colored their hair. I am now a brunette. It's actually quite fetching and I do love the color a lot, but every time I look in the mirror, I give myself a little mini heart attack because I think it's someone else. (Possibly Bloody Mary?) I'm not going to lie it's rather fun changing your hair. I might get a wave perm at some point now.

So I started my job last week and so far it's pretty grand. I get to help kids and talk to mean rushed people in the checkout line, and see freaky people in leopard skin skirt with a tacky top (as if the skirt wasn't enough.) It's great!

I haven't decided what I'm going to be for Halloween and it's bothering me. Everything I find is either way to complicated, ugly, or would make me look like a five cent hooker so I'm not sure what I shall do. I love celebrating holidays so I must find something or else I might possibly self combust.

I don't have anything clever to say at this time. Just keep being awesome yo.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Secret agent Polar Bear!!!

Sorry I haven't been posting a lot I got a job and I went on vacation so I've been a teeny bit preoccupied. No worries though! I got ferociously told to write more often and so I shall.

This weekend I went back up to West Virginia to see some friends and I had a blast. One of the first things that I did was go to Wal*Mart with my good friend, my step mom, and my good friend's mom. My friend (Morgan) and decided to go off and look at hats and what not. We ended up donning hats and sunglasses and stalked our moms. We even took stalker pictures of them. It was pretty awesome, we even got our hats as a tribute to the trip. Morgan looks like a polar bear wearing hers.

Next I went to a party at my church where I got to see a bunch of my friends. (I didn't even realize I had so many friends!) We played volleyball, carved pumpkins, and shook our boo-tays to some music. Luckily, the volleyball didn't attack my face like it usually tries to. It tried at one point but my ninja reflexes got it just before it struck a fatal blow. My Batman pumpkin turned out pretty epic as well. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BUDDY CHARLIE! I don't know if you read this but there you go :).

When I got to my friends house, my step mom, Morgan, Morgan's mom, and our friend (a boy Jordan) decided to go on a late night doughnut run. It is about 11:30 at night at this point mind you. The whole way to the doughnut shop, and back we were all laughing and making comments about the balls on Morgan's polar bear hat. We got home and om nommed on the treats and played games until the wee hours of 2 in the morning when Jordan went home and everyone crashed into a sugar comma.

The next day I awoke at noon and we had an epic afternoon of mexican food, street fairs, sexy band singers (who also played guitar. He was oh so sexy and i wanted his number... But I had to leave :'( ) and again shaking of the boo-tay. (My sister and I danced the macareana in the middle of the restaurant.) This was followed by getting ready for Morgan's homecoming dance complete with 2-3 hours of curling my hairs. I'm thinking I just might get a wavy perm. Anywho, we spent a long time with pictures (even in my curlers) and then went to the dance. We all shook our boo-tay all night long lol.

Needless to say this weekend has been great and I miss all of my friends and our shaking madness. I didn't want to leave (I even cried a little, silly emotions) but alas, I am back in North Carolina with my blue room and my job. Next adventure, I shall take over the world. Or just possibly the kids art department... or become Superwoman... Either way I would be super awesome.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Imma 5-star superstar!

I finished my art series I've been working on for awhile! I'm not sure what I'm calling it but it's awesome :). Letters keep streaming in the mailbox for me! I like to think of it as fan mail even though it's birthday stuff still. I always wanted fan mail... Anywho it's great!

I also was sent some pics from my graduation and so I'll post those on Facebook when I get the chance. I got a job as well so I'll have a lot more stories to blog about once I start meeting people and have strange conversations with them.

Also I was informed that my last blog kinda sounded like I had made the decision to go back to the Marines. This all depends on if my discharge papers have gone through or not so there are no final choices made at this time.

I still want a hedgehog. They are so. Freaking. Adorable.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Well... I'm just going to go water my turtle...

I actually don't have a turtle. But they are adorable. Same with hedgehogs.

But it turns out that my Marines paperwork might not have gone through so I might be going to boot camp in a couple of weeks... My poor Nutella belly... I've neglected my fitness so it will be quite the difficult 12 weeks if I do go. The thing is... I kind of want to go into training. I liked my time in the DEP (delayed entry program) and I liked the people I encountered. I think it would be good for me.

On the other hand, I would miss out on a lot. I would miss my nieces birth and being an older sister and being a part of a whole family. I wouldn't go to college like a normal person my age and have a job (which I still have yet to get one.)

I originally enlisted for the wrong reasons. I wanted to get away from Torrington and everything that came with it. (except my friends. I love my friends.) I just wanted out, and when I went to my dad's house this summer, I found a way out with out a contract and so I wanted to do that instead. I dropped out of enlistment to be with my family. I love my family, but I broke a promise.

If I get another opportunity to be a Marine, I will probably take it. I don't want to be known as someone who goes back on their word, or is too afraid to go through with things. I want to be someone who holds onto their commitment no matter what. Everything will be here when I get back but the Marines won't wait forever. I have my whole life for college and building a career and a  family, but I only have now to keep a promise I made March 14, 2011 at the Denver MEPS.

I love my family, and I love my country. I want to be a Marine for the right reasons now. To serve, to protect, for honor, commitment, courage.

I'm not one in a million type of girl. That means that there are over 750,000 other girls just like me out in the world. I'm just me and I want to do what's best for me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I can't believe I actually made it this far!

Some of you know that it is my birthday today. Yep! 'Tis 'tis. I had a great day too! This morning I woke up and it was raining. I love rain. so I got up looked out my window and thought to myself "Self, it's your birthday. Make some pancakes!" And so I did. So as I ate my pancakes I sat and watched Charmed and then played deBlob on the Wii. I quickly got bored so I took a shower and cleaned my room and did laundry. My sister came home and said Hi then slapped my face. Once she realized it was my birthday she gave me a hug, (got to love abusive siblings.) Dad locked himself out of the Suburban and everyone was running around looking for the spare key for a bit. My carpel tunnel flared up again for some reason too. We had a delicious dinner after everyone was home and then I started drawing. (I'm working on the last piece of my series. Whoop!)

My buddy came over then and gave me flowers, a movie, and brownies. We watched the movie which turned into him tickling me. A lot. For those of you who know me, you know how much I LOVE to be tickled. (Sarcasm.) The brownies were good and so was the movie and the roses are currently decorating my new dresser.

My good friend that I said I would mention later on called me too and we talked about nonsensical things and it totally made my night.

I had a great day. :) Since my family had other responsibilities tonight we are going to celebrate tomorrow with a fancier dinner and presents. (not that it's important... It's just awesome.)

Also thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! You guys rock!

Sorry there isn't much here. I'm super tired and all hyped up on brownie and that's a bad combo for me... I start talking about weird things like turtles, eggs, or guns... Not necessarily in that order either.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Baby, baby, baby, Oh! Look! Finger puppets!

So my dad and I put together my dresser today. After a few mistakes and heart attacks it was finished, miraculously unscathed by my clumsiness.  It looks incredible too! I can't wait to fill it with my underwear and freaking awesome socks!

So today I was at church and I was minding my own business when I started to get really bored. Normally I can pay attention better but sitting in the same chair for two hours listening to people talk just isn't cooperative to my attention span. Luckily I had many distractions such as my sister and dad playing hangman on her iTouch, a blank program that begged to be doodled upon and toddlers sitting in the row in front of us.

After awhile, I started to run out of room on my program, hangman became tedious and I was getting bored again and I was wishing I was back on my bed asleep. Then one of the toddlers in front of us threw a finger puppet at me. I had been admiring it from afar and even expressed my strong desire to play with the turtle and the frog to my step mom. This seemed like a good opportunity to make my dreams come true so I picked up the battered puppet and stuck it on my finger. The baby squealed in delight and started to throw all of them at me and so I took advantage of the situation and played until they were all slimey with baby spit. I draw the line at saliva no matter how cute and felty the little creatures are. Baby toys are incredible.

I also have a job interview lined up for tomorrow at Michael's craft store. I'm super excited for this because it's one step closer to an actual job and saving for a car then being a working poor white girl as opposed to a poor white girl.  i would much rather have something to do all day and be poor than do nothing and be poor. One way I'm actually productive and will feel all cool and what not.

Also I have two days until my birthday. I feel awesome.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a... Mattress???

I have an incredible story for you all today.

My family and I went to IKEA today to buy some bedroom furniture for my sister and I. This store is absolutely incredible. It's pretty much a furniture mall complete with two stories, a food court and shopping carts. I'm sure we spent 2 hours just walking let alone actually trying to find something to buy. I recommend it for daily exercise.

My sister got a really nice desk and bookshelf set and I got a dresser and a new mattress! It is awesome. As we went to leave my dad discovered that the mattresses didn't quite fit into Suburban like we had planned. IKEA provides a plastic twine for situations like this so we got some and tethered the bed to the top of the car.

We live about a half an hour away so we were driving along the interstate when we start worrying about the bed. The wind was catching it a little and making the top one shift a little and float kind of. My step mom kept watching them to make sure they were ok. This is when my dad decided to make a joke along the line of "your mom" or "that's what she said." My step mom looked away and we all heard a THUDUNK. in the rear view mirror I see my new mattress set taking flight across the interstate like it was freaking Batman.

Dad stopped the car and backed as far as he could to them and hopped out of the car. the next thing I know he is running through traffic and carrying the box spring along with him. He waits awhile and then darts again in a space of cars, only this time he stops in the middle of the road and does a few jumping jacks and keeps running. He saved my mattress and managed not to get killed. I have an epic dad.

We continued our journey home with no seats available to my sister and I (Dad and step mom managed to get my bed into the back of the car) so I sat up front with my dad and step mom (thank goodness I'm a little person) and my sister got to chill in the back with the IKEA items.

Moral of this story:
  • IKEA box springs will survive a 15 foot drop
  • IKEA twine sucks
  • Jumping jacks in the middle of an interstate will help you save mattresses
  • Saturday's with the Justus's are awesome.
PS no one got in a crash or anything due to the mattress mishap. I'm sure this story will show up somewhere else... How many times do you get to see mattresses act like Batman?

Friday, October 7, 2011

Boo Ya! My toes look like hotdogs!

Howdy! Again!

Our furniture has arrived and so now we are no longer on air mattresses. I'm totally pumped because the floor was a little bit drafty. My family is also going to IKEA today after dinner to get bedroom furniture so I can actually start decorating!

I don't have much to say on this one but we finally have internet so I'll be posting more! Whoop! Also my birthday is coming up soon! For those of you who don't know me I freaking love birthdays. They are awesome. think of awesome sauce on a bun with Nutella and a freaking rainbow and that's how awesome birthdays are. I'm excited for this one too because I'm turning 19! I'm old! *Sigh*

That's about all I have to say. No new opinions about anything or cool ideas... My mind needed a break from so much amazing things.

If there is something you want my opinion on please feel free to comment and give me suggestions. I'm open to anything!

P.S. My toes do look like hotdogs. I thanks my father for that... He has hotdog toes too.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Baha! No why

We are officially moved into our new house! Though we are sleeping on air mattresses and eating food that never has to be warmed up it's great! The people who have stored all of our furniture and such won't be here until Tuesday so it's been fun wearing socks and sliding around on the hardwood like an Olympic gold medalist. Everything is really echoy right now until the furniture comes so I've been talking really soft (yes. I am actually capable of doing this.) and taking phone calls in my closet where it doesn't resonate quite so much. Besides, the best place to have a phone conversation is in a closet.

I had an over the phone (but not in my closet) interview today with a creative arts company for a possible job! If I get accepted, then I'll be teaching dance, music, drama, and helping with other arts. I'm going to slowly corrupt the minds of today's youth with this job. They will be brainwashed into creating only incredibly beautiful things! And then covering the world with it all. Best. Job. Ever.

I'm also working on a drawing  that will totally rock the world. And possibly self-combust due to it's sexyness. I will post pictures when it's finished and then again when it's finished destroying itself. (I kid. It's taking me a long freaking time to do this, I'm not going to let it die in the hands of anarchy and pyrotechnics.)

Thanks to you guys who have subscribed! My day gets a little brighter each time someone does :). And here's a shout out to all those Russians who are reading my blog: You are awesome.

There is also a page on FB if you would like to go and "Like".  It's Jo's Blog.