I actually don't have a turtle. But they are adorable. Same with hedgehogs.
But it turns out that my Marines paperwork might not have gone through so I might be going to boot camp in a couple of weeks... My poor Nutella belly... I've neglected my fitness so it will be quite the difficult 12 weeks if I do go. The thing is... I kind of want to go into training. I liked my time in the DEP (delayed entry program) and I liked the people I encountered. I think it would be good for me.
On the other hand, I would miss out on a lot. I would miss my nieces birth and being an older sister and being a part of a whole family. I wouldn't go to college like a normal person my age and have a job (which I still have yet to get one.)
I originally enlisted for the wrong reasons. I wanted to get away from Torrington and everything that came with it. (except my friends. I love my friends.) I just wanted out, and when I went to my dad's house this summer, I found a way out with out a contract and so I wanted to do that instead. I dropped out of enlistment to be with my family. I love my family, but I broke a promise.
If I get another opportunity to be a Marine, I will probably take it. I don't want to be known as someone who goes back on their word, or is too afraid to go through with things. I want to be someone who holds onto their commitment no matter what. Everything will be here when I get back but the Marines won't wait forever. I have my whole life for college and building a career and a family, but I only have now to keep a promise I made March 14, 2011 at the Denver MEPS.
I love my family, and I love my country. I want to be a Marine for the right reasons now. To serve, to protect, for honor, commitment, courage.
I'm not one in a million type of girl. That means that there are over 750,000 other girls just like me out in the world. I'm just me and I want to do what's best for me.
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