
About Me

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I'm the kind of girl that tries to get off the see-saw as it's going up and having to hold on for dear life until its down again. I'm the kind of girl who day dreams and thinks of alternate realities that seem so close but are actuality just barely beyond our reach. I'm one who doesn't dream of making a difference, I'm already in the midst of making one.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Well... I'm just going to go water my turtle...

I actually don't have a turtle. But they are adorable. Same with hedgehogs.

But it turns out that my Marines paperwork might not have gone through so I might be going to boot camp in a couple of weeks... My poor Nutella belly... I've neglected my fitness so it will be quite the difficult 12 weeks if I do go. The thing is... I kind of want to go into training. I liked my time in the DEP (delayed entry program) and I liked the people I encountered. I think it would be good for me.

On the other hand, I would miss out on a lot. I would miss my nieces birth and being an older sister and being a part of a whole family. I wouldn't go to college like a normal person my age and have a job (which I still have yet to get one.)

I originally enlisted for the wrong reasons. I wanted to get away from Torrington and everything that came with it. (except my friends. I love my friends.) I just wanted out, and when I went to my dad's house this summer, I found a way out with out a contract and so I wanted to do that instead. I dropped out of enlistment to be with my family. I love my family, but I broke a promise.

If I get another opportunity to be a Marine, I will probably take it. I don't want to be known as someone who goes back on their word, or is too afraid to go through with things. I want to be someone who holds onto their commitment no matter what. Everything will be here when I get back but the Marines won't wait forever. I have my whole life for college and building a career and a  family, but I only have now to keep a promise I made March 14, 2011 at the Denver MEPS.

I love my family, and I love my country. I want to be a Marine for the right reasons now. To serve, to protect, for honor, commitment, courage.

I'm not one in a million type of girl. That means that there are over 750,000 other girls just like me out in the world. I'm just me and I want to do what's best for me.

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